Oh hi, haikuninja. You just happen to be this week’s Art Attack Friday artist extraordinaire. Only the best are selected so bask in the glory of your brief exposure to Internet fame. Do not worry that your fame will fade away as your Gardenia art piece introducing today’s AAF will be burned into many a young men (and lesbonic) brains. This is also one of those times one doesn’t need to know, nor should care, what originated such odd fanart. I’ll save you the Matlocking though, since I’m such a nice guy.
Haikuninja has quite the collection. From love to the Earthbound/Mother series, to even more Pokemon pieces. I must say that the Ness looking on like a badass is quite wonderful. There’s even a tribute to Pirate Baby’s Cabana Street Fight 2006 with my precious Tako King making a cameo.
Be sure to check out haikuninja’s deviantArt for more pieces. If you’re a fan of what you see and wish to have haikuninja draw you something, you’re in luck. haikuninja is taking commissions and it’s not that bad of a rate for custom art work.
Published: Apr 12, 2008 01:01 am