Army of Two: The 40th Day’s Extraction mode revealed

This article is over 15 years old and may contain outdated information

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In an effort to increase reservations of Army of Two: The 40th Day as well as steer potential buyers away from picking up a used copy of the game a day after launch, EA is offering one-month exclusive access to the Extraction multiplayer mode for those who pre-order.

This is all “aged news,” as we like to call it around the office. What’s not aged news, however, is this video explaining just what the heck Extraction mode is all about. Essentially, it’s Gears of War 2‘s Horde mode all over again.

A team of four players duke it out against wave after wave of oncoming foes, for those unfamiliar with Gears or Halo 3: ODST. I hope you guys enjoy this sort of thing, because you can bet we’re going to be seeing more of it in every first- and third-person shooter next year.

As a quick aside, I’d like to say how unnecessary it is for your one-minute long video to be over 500 MB in size, folks. Yes sir, it’s absolute poppycock. I had to have the Brad Nicholson wrestle the video into submission in order to make this post clap.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.