Todu unit Anime Vanguards update 1
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Anime Vanguards Tier List – Best Units Ranked [UPDATE 1]

An Anime Vanguards Tier List for all summonable and evolvable units

Like most Roblox tower defense games, there are many units, but there is little indication as to which ones are worth getting. We’ve put together this Anime Vanguards tier list to show you which units you should try to get immediately.

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Anime Vanguards Units Tier List [UPDATE 1]

With dozens of different units and evolutions in Anime Vanguards, it can be tricky to determine which units you should be going for. A good rule of thumb is the higher the rarity/quality, the better the unit. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some Epic quality units are incredibly strong, while some Legendary units are a bit on the weaker side.

No matter the rarity, you’ll need resources to unlock the best units. To speed up the process, redeem Anime Vanguards codes to get enough Gems for summons. We also covered all new units from Anime Vanguards update 1.

S+ Tier

The S+ tier in Anime Vaguards is reserved for most of the secret units in the game. All these units are far above the rest; you should aspire to have them in your lineup.

S+ UnitDescriptionRarity
Julias (Eispolosion) *NEW*Freezes enemies, great range, multi-hitExclusive
Tuji (Sorcerer Killer) *NEW*Can switch abilities, destroy enemy shieldsExclusive
Gujo (Infinity) *NEW*Full AoE, fantastic DMG, ability to kill all enemies on the mapMythic
Alocard (Vampire King) Full AoE, Bleed, great range and DMGSecret
Cha-In (Blade Dancer)Increased Crit, Dodges enemy attacks, great range and DMGMythic
Igros (Elite Knight)Full AoE, immune to stun, bonus damage against bossesSecret
Song Jinwu (Monarch)Summons shadow units, buffs Igros, powerful DMGMythical
Tengon (Flashiness)Full AoE, Dodge, can increase its DMG and SPA up to 30% eachMythical
Vogita Super (Awakened)Vogita units synergy, multi-hit, excellent against bossesMythic

S Tier

The units we’ve put in the S tier are among the best in Anime Vanguards, and you should strive for the long term.

S Tier UnitDescriptionRarity
Todu (Unleashed) *NEW*Swaps places with other units, good DMGMythic
Tuji *NEW*Full AoE, multi-hit, increased damage when not buffedExclusive
Chaso (Blood Curse) *NEW*Full AoE, increased damage against bleeding unitsMythic
Jag-o (Volcanic) *NEW*Buffs its stats, good DMGMythic
Renguko (Purgatory) *NEW*Burn, great against bossesExclusive
Akazo (Destructive)Stun immunity, Line AoEMythic
Kaneo Takarada (Legendary)Money unit that’s best used in long modesLegendary
Obita (Awakened)Buffed SPA, Burn, great against shieldMythic
Sosuke (Storm)Stuns units, increased DMG against stunnedMythic
SprintwagonMoney unit that’s excellent in all modesEpic
Renguko (Purgatory)Burn, increased DMG against the same enemyExclusive
Tengoncone AoE, dodge, multi-hit,Mythic
Haruka Rin (Dancer) Buffs other units’ DMG and rangeExclusive

A Tier

Units in the A Tier are also solid all around and will complete most of the content currently available.

A Tier UnitDesriptionRarity
Todu *NEW*Can swap position with an other unitMythic
Itaduri *NEW*Multihit, good DMGMythic
AkazoIncreased DMG, reduced status ailments timeMythic
AlocardFull AoE, Bleed, good damage and rangeSecret
Cha-InCone AoE, destroys shields, increased CritMythic
Haruka RinIncreases DMG for units in rangeSecret
IgrosGood DMG, increased damage against bossesSecret
Noruto (Six Tails)Powerful SPA and DMG buffsMythic
ObitaIncreased SPA, solid DMGMythic
Song JinwuMulti-hit, increased DMGMythic
Sosuke (Hebi)Increased DMG, average SPA and rangeMythic
Vogita SuperImproved SPA, Vogita unit synergyMythic

B Tier

Units in the B tier are mostly Epic quality units, including Support units, which have their own unique strengths.

B Tier UnitDescriptionRarity
Nobaba *NEW*Cone AoE, BleedLegendary
Inamuki *NEW*Pull enemiesLegendary
Nazuka *NEW*Increased DMG on enemies with Burn debuffEpic
Gujo *NEW*Increased DMG and SPAMythic
AgonyFull AoE, knockback, increased DMGLegendary
AlligatorSlow debuffEpic
BeanBleed, Multi-hitLegendary
BlossomDebuffs allies, a must-have unit for certain raids and stagesEpic
GaariGreat SPAEpic
GenasBurn, great SPAEpic
GoiIncreased DMG, dodgeLegendary
Grim WowShield-breaker, good against bossesLegendary
ItochiBurn, good DMGLegendary
KinaruStun immunity, mutli-hitLegendary
KinnuaStun and knockback debuffsEpic
KokashiStun debuffEpic
PickleoGood DMG and range, mutli-hitEpic
Roku (Dark)One-hit-kill enemies passive, good DMGLegendary
Noruto (Sage)Increased SPAMythic
ShinziGood DMGEpic

C Tier

The units in the C tier are very weak, and other than starting units, they should be replaced as soon as possible.

  • Ichiga (Rare)
  • Inosake (Epic)
  • Joe (Rare)
  • Jon (Rare)
  • Luffo (Rare)
  • Norutu (Rare)
  • Roku (Rare)
  • Rukio (Rare)
  • Sanjo (Rare)
  • Sosuke (Rare)
  • Genitsu (Epic)
  • Vogita (Rare)

How to Get the Best Units in Anime Vanguards

Player with units in Anime Vanguards lobby
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You’ll get the best units via summons, raids, tournaments, and battle passes. For most Mythic and Secret quality units in Anime Vanguards, their base unit is extremely powerful and worth getting. However, if you can upgrade and evolve them into their final form, they become even more powerful, in most cases moving them into the S and S+ Tiers.

Should I Use Rare and Epic Units?

If you’ve just started playing Anime Vanguards, look to get Legendary units via Summons as soon as possible. Having said that, some Rare and Epic units can be very useful, especially for support units such as Sprintwagon and Alligator. Because of that, avoid the auto-sell option for Epic rarity units.

In the later stages, you should target Mythic and Secret units such as Alucard (Vampire King) and Igros (Elite Knight). You’ll want to do this as soon as you unlock the ability to do so, as they are the strongest units on this tier list for a reason and can make all aspects of the game, Story, Challenge, and Raids much easier.

Now that you know more about the best units, thanks to this Anime Vanguards tier list, check out How to get and use Igris in Anime Vanguards.

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Image of Nebojsa Prijic
Nebojsa Prijic
Nebojša Prijić is a senior staff writer with over 25 years of experience in journalism, screenwriting, and copywriting. He previously worked as Editor-in-Chief of Maxim magazine and the IGN website. Nebojša is an experienced gamer who got into Roblox games thanks to his son and now covers them professionally.
Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.