Apple is rich, but it’s easier to see why when you look at figures like these. Analyst Asymco says that about 60 apps are downloaded for each iOS device sold. This estimated number is up from 10 apps per device in 2008. And you know everyone and their cat has some kind of iOS device.
These analysts figure that 30 million apps are being downloaded each day. Holy sh*t! Now I see why just about everyone has an iOS app out there. The App Store is approaching 10 billion downloads, and now it looks like apps will overtake iTunes songs in number of downloads. Note that app updates are not included in these figures.
With these kinds of numbers, I’d really have to give some serious thought to what platform I’d be developing for as a games maker. Of course, everyone wants to make a big fancy console game, but if every iOS owner is downloading 60 apps, I think I’d want to get in on that action first.
Asymco: 60 Apps Downloaded Per iOS Device Sold [Next Gen]
Published: Jan 17, 2011 02:20 pm