Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 weekly quest list
Image via Epic Games

All Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 weekly quests and how to complete them

This season, we're hunting demons, entering mysterious forests, and riding around on motorcycles.

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 has a lot going on, from demonic invasions to Godzilla wreaking havoc on the world. With these events come weekly quests, ranging from eliminating opponents with specific weapons to exploring various landmarks. Here’s every Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 weekly quest that’s appeared so far.

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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Zero quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week zero quests
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Throughout Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Zero quests, you’re introduced to items like the Suppressed Pistol and Boons, which give you a buff throughout your match. You’ll also find regular objectives like searching containers, collecting weapons, and finishing a task at specific landmarks. Here’s the complete list of Week Zero quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Crack enemy shields at Nightshift Forest, Magic Mosses, or Rolling Blossoms Farm (10)Visit any of these three POIs and damage enemies until their shields break.25K XP
Eliminate an opponent with the Suppressed Pistol (1)Pick up a Suppressed Pistol from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations before using it to defeat any opponent.25K XP
Collect Boons (3)Open elemental chests or return Sprites to shrines to receive Boons.25K XP
Search different types of containers (4)Search any container type, including chests, elemental chests, or produce boxes.25K XP
Collect weapons from eliminated players (10)Eliminate players in your matches and pick up any weapons they drop. You can obtain multiple weapons from one person.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week One quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week one quests
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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week One quests dive deeper into chapter-specific additions like the Void Oni Mask and Earth Sprite. You’ll also have standard tasks like eliminating players with headshots and using melee weapons against others. Here’s the complete list of Week One quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Collect a Void Oni Mask in different matches (3)Pick up Void Oni Masks from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations in three separate matches.25K XP
Give weapons to an Earth Sprite (1)Visit any Earth Sprite shrine and trade a weapon with it to receive another of greater value.25K XP
Eliminate players with headshots (3)Aim for your opponent’s head while attacking them.25K XP
Collect Epic or better weapons (15)Pick up any 15 Epic weapons from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations. You can finish this over multiple matches.25K XP
Hit opponents with a melee weapon (15)You can use your pickaxe early in your matches or pick up the Typhoon Blade to defeat opponents more easily.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Two quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week two quests
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Next is Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Two quests, which closely mimic the previous week’s. Some differences include using melee weapons on rocks instead of other people and picking up the Typhoon Blade in at least two matches. Here’s the complete list of Week Two quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Destroy rocks with melee weapons (5)Use your pickaxe or the Typhoon Blade to destroy any nearby rocks.25K XP
Collect ammo while you have a specialist hired (100)Hire one of the four specialists you find in Canyon Crossing, Lost Lake, south of Demon’s Dojo, or north of Hopeful Heights before finding ammo as chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations.25K XP
Travel distance while swimming (250)Swim in any body of water around the map.25K XP
Headshot players before the first Storm Circle closes (3)Grab a weapon as quickly as possible in your match before focusing on headshotting other players. Any headshots after the first Storm Circle closes won’t count toward this objective.25K XP
Eliminate an opponent with the Typhoon Blade in different matches (2)Pick up a Typhoon Blade from chest drops, floor loot, or defeating Shogun X before using it to defeat any opponent. You’ll have to repeat this in two separate matches.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Three quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week three quests
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We’re spending a lot of time in Nightshift Forest during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Three quests. You’ll need this landmark for at least one objective but can use it for all five if you wish, depending on how lucky you get with your chest, floor, and player elimination loot. Here’s the complete list of Week Three quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Collect a Sprite and pick up a Boon in the same match (2)Return a Sprite to any of its respective Shrines before picking up its Boon.25K XP
Eliminate opponents with the Fire Oni Mask (5)Pick up Fire Oni Masks from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations before using it to eliminate other players.25K XP
Travel distance in Nightshift Forest (500)Run around anywhere in Nightshift Forest. Traveling outside this landmark won’t count, but you can step back into the forest later in the match.25K XP
Hit Demons while in a vehicle (5)Visit any landmark that has a demon portal active and hit the NPCs with your car.25K XP
Gain shields within 15 seconds of being damaged by an opponent (250)Keep shield potions on hand and use them whenever someone damages you enough to drain your shields. Use them as quickly as possible to fit the 15-second limit.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Four quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week four quests
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We’re continuing the trend of using the Typhoon Blade to wreak havoc in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Four quests. You’ll also visit Shogun’s Arena, do more driving, and familiarize yourself with gliding around the map. Here’s the complete list of Week Four quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Hit an opponent with Typhoon Blade while on a motorcycle (1) Find a motorcycle in any landmark and find a Typhoon Blade from chest drops, floor loot, or defeating Shogun X. Hit any player or NPC with the blade while riding your motorcycle.25K XP
Travel distance through the air in a vehicle (500)Ride a motorcycle or car around the map. Driving off cliffsides is the easiest way to quickly gain travel distance in the air.25K XP
Damage opponents within 30 seconds of gliding (250)You can do this after gliding from the Battle Bus or after using launch pads around the map.25K XP
Damage opponents in Shogun’s Arena (300)Shogun’s Arena spawns after a few Storm Circles as a Loot Island replacement. Visit this floating island and damage other players who visit.25K XP
Reload weapons within 30 seconds after damaging an opponent (30)Shortly after damaging any player or NPC, reload your weapons. You can do this multiple times in a match over several games.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Five quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week five quests
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It’s time to start Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Five quests. This time, we’re taking a trip to Magic Mosses and eliminating some demons. You’ll also need to find some Chug Splash and hop into more vehicles. Here’s the complete list of Week Five quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Gain shields with Chug Splash or Chili Chug Splash (200)Pick up Chug Splash from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations before using them to regain your shields.25K XP
Search chests at Magic Mosses (3)Visit Magic Mosses near Flooded Frogs and Lost Lake and search at least three chests around the landmark.25K XP
Travel distance in vehicles (2,500)Use any motorcycle or car to travel around the map.25K XP
Collect items from eliminated demons (10)Visit any landmark that has a demon portal active and defeat the NPCs. They’ll drop items for you to collect.25K XP
Damage opponents while aiming down sights (500)Damage any player or NPC while aiming your gun. You must hold down your aim button for this to work.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Six quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week six quests
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Remember those elemental sprites from previous weeks? Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Six quests bring us back to them, requiring us to catch both Air and Water Sprites in a single match. You’ll also need to find some vending machines, Epic-tier assault rifles, and another vehicle. Here’s the complete list of Week Six quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Catch an Air Sprite and a Water Sprite in a single match (2)Use Elemental Shrines around the map to locate Air and Water Sprites. You’ll need to find both during one match, restarting the quest if you only catch one before catching the other.25K XP
Eliminate players with Epic or better assault rifles (5)Pick up any Epic assault rifle from chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations before using them to eliminate players. You can do this in multiple matches.25K XP
Land at Named Locations in different matches (3)From the Battle Bus, glide down to any named location on your Fortnite map. You’ll need to repeat this three times at separate spots.25K XP
Purchase items or services from characters or vending machines (3)Visit any NPC or vending machine on the map and purchase their weapons or consumables for gold.25K XP
Damage opponents while in a vehicle (100)Use any motorcycle or car to drive around the map, running into any player or NPC you encounter.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Seven quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week seven quests
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We’re changing things up a bit in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Seven quests. We’re going back to finding Oni Masks and hiring specialists but also taking a brief detour to relax by some campfires. There are no vehicles this time, but you will need to grab a shotgun or two for some quick eliminations. Here’s the complete list of Week Seven quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Collect an Oni Mask in different matches (3)Find Fire and Void Oni Masks through chest drops, floor loot, or player eliminations during three separate games.25K XP
Eliminate players with shotguns (5)Defeat any five players in combat using a shotgun. You can do this during multiple matches.25K XP
Gain health or shields while you have a specialist (50)Hire a specialist and use Shield Potions or Medkits to regain health and shields.25K XP
Headshot players from combined distance (150)Use any weapon to headshot other players from any distance. The farther you are, the quicker you’ll finish this.25K XP
Light campfires (2)Find any campfire around the map and light it.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Eight quests

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 week eight quests
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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Eight quests see the return of the Typhoon Blade, Water Sprites, and miscellaneous tasks. If you’ve completed previous weekly missions, most of these should be a piece of cake. Here’s the complete list of Week Eight quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Hit opponents with the Typhoon Blade without taking damage (3)Find a Typhoon Blade from chest drops, floor loot, or defeating Shogun X. As you chase other players or NPCs, avoid taking damage and get at least three hits.25K XP
Restore health or gain shields using Water Sprites (200)Use Elemental Shrines around the map to locate Water Sprites before using them to restore missing health or shields. 25K XP
Headshot players from above (10)Find high ground on top of buildings or hills before inflicting damage onto other players.25K XP
Search containers at Canyon Crossing (5)Travel to Canyon Crossing east of Shogun’s Solitude and south of Warrior’s Watch and search any chests or ammo crates you find.25K XP
Travel distance within 15 seconds of being damaged by an opponent (150)Run around the map after taking damage from another player. You can do this throughout multiple fights.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Nine quests

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 week nine weekly quests
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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Nine quests have more variety than previous weeks. Some usual tasks return, while others are specific to Chapter 6, Season 1. Here’s the complete list of Week Nine quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Destroy objects at Twinkle Terrace (25)Head to Twinkle Terrace, a landmark north of Nightshift Forest, and destroy any objects you encounter here. You can complete this over multiple matches.25K XP
Spend bars (600)Visit any NPC and purchase items from them until you’ve spent at least 600 gold bars. 25K XP
Damage Demon Warriors or Shogun X (300)Visit any named location that spawns demons or wait until Shogun X’s island. Deal damage to any demons you find or to Shogun X.25K XP
Reach 10 players remainingSurvive any Fortnite match until you’re in the top ten.25K XP
Visit Landmarks in different matches (4)Run around the map and visit various landmarks. You’ll have to repeat this four times.25K XP

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Week Ten quests

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 week 10 weekly quests
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Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1’s Week Ten quests are especially tricky, requiring you to complete train heists, hire specialists, and drive around the map without leaving the road. They sound more complicated than they are, but it’s still easy to trip up on a few. Here’s the complete list of Week Ten quests during Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1:

Complete a Train Heist or capture a Storm Forecast TowerHop onto a train and open its locked vault chest or wait until a storm forecast tower activates before capturing it.25K XP
Damage opponents while you have a specialist hired (100)Hire any specialist around the map before searching for other players and damaging them. Some specialist examples are Cinder in Demon’s Dojo, Helsie in Canyon Crossing, and Mizuki in Lost Lake.25K XP
Boost distance without leaving the road (300)Boost your speed while driving a car along any road. Driving onto the grass or other non-road surfaces won’t count toward this.25K XP
Damage opponents with Common or Uncommon weapons (450)Pick up any common or uncommon weapon and attack other players. You’ll have an easier time doing this at the beginning of a match.25K XP
Collect ammo from eliminated opponents (500)As you defeat other players and NPCs, pick up any ammo they drop. You can do this during multiple matches.25K XP

When does Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 end?

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 will officially end on February 21, 2025, at 2 a.m. ET. Here are the exact times in various regions:

  • US Pacific (PDT): 11 p.m. on February 20
  • US Eastern (EDT): 2 a.m. on February 21
  • London, UK (GMT): 7 a.m. on February 21
  • India Standard (IST): 12:30 p.m. on February 21
  • Japan Standard (JST): 4:00 p.m. on February 21
  • Australian Eastern Time (AEDT): 6:00 p.m. on February 21
  • New Zealand Standard (NZDT): 8:00 p.m. on February 21

Fortnite’s servers will likely go down for maintenance for a few hours after the season ends, so don’t be alarmed if the game’s briefly down. In most cases, the maintenance lasts around three to four hours, giving you time to prepare for Chapter 6, Season 2 to begin.

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Image of Madison Benson
Madison Benson
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Madison has been a long-time fan of all things gaming since her adventures playing Heroes of Might and Magic over 20 years ago. She began her journalism career in 2021 and often enjoys casual life sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs in her spare time.