Kane & Lynch 2’s “Cops & Robbers” multiplayer mode is basically the game’s deathmatch. Six players will be the criminals that need to escape with the loot while the other six will be the cops that need to take criminals out. This mode is all about teamwork so no one can betray anyone here.
The criminals will start off on one side of the map while the cops spawn by the end point. Criminals will need to gather money and if they collect over one million dollars, the cops will be able to see them coming. Otherwise, carrying less than one million will keep the criminals off the radar. The same applies to the cops as they’ll appear to the criminals if they’re carrying over one million.
Cops will always have one respawn point while the criminals will get to chose from multiple respawn points depending on how far they’ve progressed. The respawn duration increases by two seconds every time you are killed as well. If at one time there are only two criminals remaining on the map, the round will go into sudden death and no one can respawn anymore.
Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork! Teamwork is very key here. You need to be talking, coordinating and planning with your allies. Otherwise you can get overwhelmed, especially by those guys that won’t appear on your radar. Of all the modes, this one was my favorite, mostly because I wasn’t worried about getting betrayed. The other modes are fun, but damn they’re stressful.
That wraps up our Kane & Lynch 2 preview month! Check out our previews on the multiplayer modes for “Arcade,” “Fragile Alliance,” “Undercover Cop,” our single-player preview and our video interview with Multiplayer Director Kim Kroth for more on Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
Published: May 26, 2010 01:00 pm