GOG’s Interplay sale will make your wallet cry

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Good Old Games is having a 50% off sale for all the 32 Interplay games in their library. Each game is now only $2.99 until July 4th, and you can buy all of them for $95.68 although the only benefit of that not clicking 32 times.

What games did Interplay release again, you might ask? All the Descent, Redneck Rampage, Earthworm Jim, Fallout, MDK and Freespace games for starters! Other notables include: Screamer, Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, Kingpin: Life of Crime, Jagged Alliance 2, Messiah, Sacrifice, and last but not least Giants: Citizen Kabuto.

If for some reason you never played any of these, then first of all: what is wrong with you? Second, buy Freespace 2 right now! And grab Giants: Citizen Kabuto and Sacrifice next, as those are still among the most creative games in PC history.

And Shogo. And Fallout. And…. just go look at the entire list yourself, and breathe in the nostalgia that brings you back to the time where you pointed and laughed at your friends with their N64s and PlayStations.

[Thanks mrandydixon!]

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