Fable II Reaver concept art revealed, announcement teased

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It was hard not to fall in love with Reaver’s personality. His arrogance and appetite for naughty behavior added zip to an otherwise flat collection of Fable II party members. It seems we’re not alone in our love: earlier today Lionhead shared an e-mail from a reader who treasured the character as well. But that’s not all Lionhead had to contribute on their official blog today. The reader asked if Reaver had a different look at some point in the development process to which the studio replied with a brilliant piece of concept art.

And even that’s not exactly all there was to the post (although the concept art is wonderful; notice the variety of facial hair they tried out). At the bottom of the post, the Lionhead said they have nothing new to hit fans with at this time however some “revelations” are coming soon. (Please, add a downloadable cat.)

“Apart from this I have no breaking news to report unfortunately. But we’ll be back with some revelations very soon!”

While the last batch of downloadable content wasn’t the best, we’re always up for more action in Albion, especially if it involves Reaver in some form.

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