Professor Layton movie trailer hits Japan

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Professor Layton is awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be told I was correct by anyone else more in my entire life. And when you were wrong… oh the shame. Why bring up what everyone already knows? Well, besides the upcoming sequels coming out in the US eventually there just happens to be a Professor Layton film in the works, and on this day we get to watch a new trailer for it and get all excited about the good Professor’s puzzle solving skills yet again.

The film will be called Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, and will be released in Japan on December 19. While there isn’t any news on a release outside of Japan, the success of Professor Layton and the Curious Village around the world would suggest that there is most likely a market for it. The movie is being produced by Masakazu Kubo, who did many of the Pokémon films for Nintendo. Thankfully, the look of the movie holds true to the games through and through, despite the fact that the story is entirely original. Diabolical Box can not get here fast enough.

Oh, and if you understand Japanese, a translation would be greatly appreciated.

[Via GoNintendo]

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