Plants vs. Zombies theme is also amazing in Japanese

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If you’ve seen and heard “Zombies on Your Lawn,” the promotional music video and song for PopCap’s Plants Vs. Zombies, you’re probably already smitten. Now, the adorable voice of the Sunflower has a face — it’s freelance video game music composer and sound designer, Laura Shigihara!

In a not-so-recent post on her personal blog (via Kotaku), Shigihara talks about working on the title, specially the now-legendary theme song. When the PopCap marketing team requested the make a Japanese version of the track, Shigihara was more than happy to oblige. 

“Being that I’m half Japanese,” she writes, “I decided I should represent.”

The result is “Uraniwa ni zombies Ga!”, which roughly translates to — you guessed it — “zombies on your lawn” or “zombies in your backyard.” With the help of her father to refine the lyrics, she recorded the song entirely in the Japanese language, along with the help of her father to voice the zombies. 

Quite simply, it’s amazing. Check it out.

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