Attempted Murdertoid: Teen strangles father with videogame controller

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As if previous reports have taught them nothing, parents are still bravely/foolishly attempting to stop their psychotic little brats from playing videogames. The latest is a father in Spain who had warned his 18 year old son several times to cease a rather intense gaming session. When the boy refused, his father unplugged the power cable. Rage of the Gods ensued.

At that point, it’s reported that the boy leapt from his sofa and then, wielding his controller like a garotte, attempting to strangle his dad with the cable. He’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for his pesky mother, who helped rescue her husband. It is somewhat ironic that the mother got a chance to save when the boy didn’t. 

After emergency services were called, it seems that the would-be patricida fled into the streets of Bilbao, the Spanish city where he was eventually caught by police. He is now in the care of the law and shall be judged on domestic violence charges.

While I’m sure we’ve all flung a controller across the room in our time, I doubt many of us have used them as weapons. That won’t stop game critics from assuming we’re all like this nutjob, however. At any rate, it serves the father right for not getting him a wireless gamepad. They are the standard, after all.

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