DICE prioritizing Battlefield 4 netcode issues

Lays out what’s fixed and what’s under investigation

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In a blog post about the current state of Battlefield 4’s multiplayer, DICE wrote that fixing netcode issues with the game is “one of the top priorities.” I’d sure hope so — few things are more irritating in competitive games (or any games, really) than the perception that you are being cheated.

The post covers what has been fixed already and what’s next on the list: rubber banding, an out-of-sync kill camera, a bug causing damage to not register, and instant death while sprinting.

Players have called Battlefield 4‘s low tickrate — “how often the server will update the game world” — into question and I’m happy to see that addressed here. I’m less happy with the studio’s response, however: “Though we haven’t got any immediate plans to increase the tickrate at this moment, we are exploring the possibilities of raising the tickrate on specific servers.”

Addressing “Netcode” in Battlefield 4 [Battlelog]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.