NES-themed N64 controller is the gamepad of the gods

Sexy custom paint job is too hot to handle

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I nearly creamed my jeans when I finally received my gold N64 controller from the Nintendo Super Power Supplies catalog. And that was nothing more than a simple, single-tone paint job. Had it looked anything like the above NES-themed masterpiece, my balls would have literally exploded.

Look at that fine craftsmanship! The lovely gloss that ensures that you must never handle the controller without gloves. The little gray touches around the A-B buttons and the D-pad. The bright, cherry red that stands out so well against the black and gray scheme. It’s beautiful!

This is the work of Zoki64, who has customized a fair number of consoles and controllers with a heavy emphasis on the N64. Some of his work is fairly straightforward, but others showcase subtle strokes of brilliance — like this Conker’s Bad Fur Day controller that repaints the center prong to look like Conker’s bushy tail.

custom NES themed N64 controller by Zoki64 [deviantART]

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