Slowly-but-surely, all my favorite indie games are making their way to home consoles. Cave Story is already out WiiWare, Spelunky is coming to XBLA, Super Meat Boy is coming to both XBLA and WiiWare, And Yet it Moves is coming to WiiWare, and now Noitu Love 2 is on it’s way to WiiWare too. To quote that guy on American Idol that I don’t care about in any way, “I’m a FAAAAN!”
Details are scant at the moment; no press release, no hype trailers, just a teaser image on Golgoth Studio’s Facebook page and a tiny announcement paragraph to match. Golgoth are the guys remaking the bizarre spitting caveman simulator Toki, so they just might be awesome.
Like Toki, Noitu Love 2 has been around for a while. You can read all about it, download a demo, check out a trailer, and buy the PC version for $10, all right here. The game plays a lot like a Treasure run-and-gun shmup, like Gunstar Super Heroes mixed with Sin and Punishement 2, but unlike those games, Noitu Love 2 was made by just one guy.
Unlike Cave Story‘s creator of Pixel, Noitu Love 2‘s creator Joakim Sandberg puts creating new games high on his list of life priorities. He’s worked on titles for major publishers, like Contra IV, as well as a few of games on his own, including the oft-adored Zelda tribute Legend of Princess and the artsy, draw-and-kill arcade game Chalk. With the exception of Noitu Love 2, all his games are free, and unlike your fantasy baseball team, this sh*t is for real.
Noitu Love coming to WiiWare [Gamerbytes]
Published: Apr 13, 2010 01:00 am