Dtoider MechaMonkey today posted his second installment of his I AM ERROR feature. Today’s focus was on Lakitu and his role in the Mario series. At the end of the post, he threw in this epic M.U.G.E.N. video that I had just had to share with you all. Yes, that is Lakitu, the turtle like creature in the flying cloud that throws Spinies. Check him out as he fights Evil Ryu, Evil Ken, and some guy named Dragon Claw.
This was created by KoopaKoot who has a ton of M.U.G.E.N. videos in his profile. Check out some of the other Lakitu battles after the jump.
In the original video, watch as Lakitu takes on Ryu, Akuma, Morrigan and Lei-Lei.
Sure, Lakitu wins every match, but only because he kept using the same moves over and over … cheap bastard.
If you can’t get enough of M.U.G.E.N., be sure to check out our previous M.U.G.E.N. coverage. I still love the Peter Griffen vs. Homer Simpson fight and Ken fighting the ducks from Duck Hunt. The ducks never had a chance!
Published: Feb 6, 2008 05:19 pm