(Editor’s Note: No, it isn’t a word, and you shouldn’t be bothering your professors at this late hour anyway. — Nex)
SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighter’s DS is the video game equivalent of a Captain Beefheart album; it seems inaccessible at first, but you quickly grow to love it with your entire soul, and mentioning it at parties will earn you immediate cred. Sure, telling some girl about your wicked Dhalsim is probably just going to get you a confused stare and a statutory rape charge, but to gamers, this is the pinnacle of underappreciated genius.
For those of you who don’t metaphorically spend hours in whatever the video game equivalent of underground coffee shops and experimental pop concerts might be, let me lay down some science on what SVCCFDS is: remember a few years back when Capcom went nuts with cross promotions and combined their Street Fighter characters with everything from Marvel superheroes to SNK’s King of Fighters series? SNK vs Capcom was one such fighting game bred of this ultimate fan service, and after that was met with much fawning and humping of arcade machines, someone at the SNK/Capcom Megadojo decided “Card games are fun, and rereleasing games for further profit is fun, so what if we combined those two awesome concepts? It’ll be bigger than RoboJesus!”
Of course, the game that resulted went largely unnoticed, and neither you, nor your parents, nor that kid down the street who claims his uncle worked for SNK, SEGA and NASA simoultaneously have ever played it. Yes, it was originally only released on the Neo Geo platform, but now that it’s coming to the DS, you have no reason to ignore it any further. According to the press release past the jump, it started shipping today, so take some time off from grooming Picharisu’s and trying to force Piplups to “do it”, and go pick up a title you’ll respect in the morning.
Wall, NJ – Apr 25, 2007 SNK PLAYMORE USA CORPORATION, the U.S. publishing arm of the SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION, today announced that SNK VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS DS for the Nintendo DS ™ is shipping to retailers nationwide.
With an array of favorite SNK and CAPCOM characters, and engaging card-battle gameplay, SNK VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS DS infuses the winning formula of the original SNK VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS’ CLASH for NEOGEO POCKET COLOR with updated graphics, an expanded card library and touch-screen capability. Two single-player campaigns, one SNK and one CAPCOM, are included, as well as an ad-hoc wireless multiplayer mode.
SNK. VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS DS was chosen as a May 2007 “Editor’s Pick” by Tips & Tricks magazine, and named “Game of the Month” by NewTypeUSA in April 2007. According to Kevin Gifford of NewTypeUSA, “My entire summer of 2000 was spent linking up with people for multi-player card battles – and with Cardfighters DS finally in my sweaty hands, I can feel those days coming back to me once more.” Chris Bieniek of Tips & Tricks said SNK VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS DS offers “the same kind of long-lasting, engaging gameplay” as the popular NEOGEO CARD FIGHTERS game, and Geson Hatchett of Hardcore Gamer Magazine hailed the return of “the card fighting game that claimed dozens of social lives.”
Headquartered in Osaka, Japan, SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION (SNK) develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software in Japan, North America, Europe and Asia. Founded in 1978, SNK is one of the largest privately held interactive entertainment content providers in the world. Known for such franchises as THE KING OF FIGHTERS, METAL SLUG, and SAMURAI SHODOWN SNK continues to be an industry leader by focusing on their rich arcade history. More information on SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION can be found at www.snkplaymore.co.jp SNK PLAYMORE USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION with offices in Wall, NJ. It handles operations in North America including publishing, marketing, development and localization. More information on SNK PLAYMORE USA can be found at www.snkplaymoreusa.com
Published: Apr 25, 2007 10:39 pm