Just yesterday we reported that Pokemon Legends had pushed 1.4 million copies in Japan alone, not accounting for digital. Well, the new Pokemon Legends sales mark is 6.5 million worldwide, Nintendo has announced, right after Japan pushed 1.4 million in physical copies. Here’s the full statement:
“Thank you to the more than 6.5 million explorers worldwide who have already embarked on an exciting new adventure in #PokemonLegendsArceus! We hope you’re loading up on more potato mochi before your next research mission!”
Although they aren’t providing the full picture, we can piece together different regional sales to figure out how it all shook out across the world, once more figures come to light.
So once again I am asking Nintendo and Game Freak: can we do away with the dual releases? I mean, odds are development for the next Pokemon game is well underway, and it’ll likely feature some dual gimmick. At least the names are cool! But with online play, the “trading” element has become a thing of the past. Pokemon Legends works perfectly fine without it.
Here’s how Pokemon Legends sales fare compared to recent games:
- Pokemon Sword/Shield – 23.9 million
- Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee –Â 14.33 million
- Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl – 13.97 million
- Pokemon Legends – 6.5 million (one week)
It’s on the way!
Thank you to the more than 6.5 million explorers worldwide who have already embarked on an exciting new adventure in #PokemonLegendsArceus!
We hope you're loading up on more potato mochi before your next research mission!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) February 4, 2022
Published: Feb 4, 2022 10:00 am