New York Comic Con has a lot of things this year. A handful of girls dressed up like Slave Leias. Some dudes wearing impressive Ghosbusters outfits. Thousands of dollars worth of things I want to buy, including a strange Pac-Man mask/hat thing that Namco Bandai is selling.
There’s also games … lots of them. House of the Dead: Overkill; Legends of Wrestlemania; Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars; Prototype; Velvet Assassin; Roogoo Twisted Towers; Red Faction Guerilla; DC Universe Online; and Ghosbusters: The Videogame, among others. Off the show floor, a rented restaurant across town, Sony was showing off inFamous, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, and more.
To repeat, there’s a lot of stuff here. One thing it doesn’t have: an Internet connection worth a damn. The Jacob Javitz Center, where the convention is being held, offers pay-to-connect Wi-Fi. This applies to the press room as well, it seems, where their idea of a room for journalists and bloggers includes a few tables, some free posters, and cookies. But not free Internet. And when you pay for it, you’ll soon realize it’s not worth your money.
The Internet? Yeah, I kind of need that. With that said, my coverage is going to be trickling out slower than I’d had hoped. Perhaps you’ve already seen my hands-on with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the story in which I accidentally used the word “lunch” instead of “launch.” Yes, I’m tired.
In the meantime, check out some of the photos I grabbed from the show floor, and use your imagination to think about how wonderful it all smells.
Published: Feb 7, 2009 08:00 am