Monthly Musing: E for Effort

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Every month, the Destructoid Monthly Musing topic gives community members the ability to have their work posted on the Dtoid front page.

Our own Josh Tolentino came up with this month’s theme. Thank him if you like it, blame it if you don’t. I’m just going to copy and paste exactly what he suggested in an email, since he explains it better than I could:

“How about “Noble Failures”, where people talk about games they hate but can totally respect? Stuff they’re glad exist but simply can’t bear to play. It’s an easy way to bring up EVE, MMOs, JRPGs, turn-based combat, Heavy Rain, Deadly Premonition, artgames, etc. Almost anything, really.

It’s more challenging than saying a game is a failure just because “it’s not my thing” or “it isn’t fun” since the writer has to justify their respect and think about what’s positive about [x] title/genre/concept. They can bring up specific characters in a game. If the writers wanna get meta, they can even challenge why anything deserves to be respected if it fails, etc.”

So, yes. That. Hit the jump for further instructions.

Make a cblog, title it “E for Effort: blah blah blah,” and make sure to pick the “monthly theme” category. If your article is particularly well-written or sparks interesting discussion, we’ll frontpage it.

I mean, that’s pretty much it. Sir Tolentino did a pretty good job explaining the theme pre-jump, so that’s all I’ve got for you.


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