Many of the exotics in Destiny 2 are fairly easy to obtain. Provided you snag yourself a few exotic engrams and take a stroll over to Master Rahool, you’ll get a good handful to get you started. Exotic engram focusing and the Monument to Lost Light are more difficult methods for obtaining exotic items but still aren’t too bad.
However, some exotics come from the game’s hardest pieces of content. Here’s how to get the Euphony linear fusion rifle in Destiny 2.
Where to find the Euphony in Destiny 2

The Euphony is rewarded as a random drop from completing the final encounter of the Salvation’s Edge raid, The Witness. Each successful completion will give you a legendary item and a 5% chance to receive the Euphony. With the way that raid loot works, that gives you three chances each week provided you have three separate characters at the right power level for it.
There are two ways to increase your chances of getting the Euphony. The first method is to simply complete that final encounter and not receive the Euphony. Each time you don’t, you’ll increase your chances to get the Euphony slightly more. This chance resets upon receiving the Euphony. The other method is through triumphs. If you can complete certain challenges during different encounters for the raid, you can claim them on your Triumphs page (found under Journey in your Inventory) to increase the drop chance.
Is the Euphony worth using?
The Euphony’s main perk causes sustained damage with the weapon to spawn Threadlings. Alongside this, any Threadling damage from the Euphony or otherwise will add a stack of Spindle, increasing the weapon’s damage by 2%. This stacks 25 times. This naturally makes the weapon great for a Threadling build, though on its own it’s mediocre at best. It should also only be used on Warlock since it’s the best class for it thanks to the new Swarmers exotic leg armor.
Published: Aug 21, 2024 04:37 pm