Are you at PAX East? If you are, consider me completely jealous. While members of the Dtoid community get to hang out for an awesome week of videogames and great company, I have to stay home this weekend to do work. Sadly, this thesis isn’t going to write itself!
If you are like me and didn’t have a chance to make it out to Boston, there is still the opportunity to hang out with your fellow Dtoid community members through Friday Night Fights! A list of the community hosts and the games they are playing can be found below!
New to FNF? Read this: Each week, a bunch of Destructoid readers and usually an editor or two get together to play some videogames online. Basically, this is what Friday Night Fights are all about.
The planning for FNF takes place in the forums, where community members volunteer to host by posting their information (gamertag, time to meet up, game, etc.) in the forum post corresponding to the system they’re interested in playing on.
Then, every Friday, reminder posts for those who don’t read the forums regularly go up in the community blogs section all thanks to a dedicated group of cool individuals. And for everyone who wants their info all in one place, they have got my weekly recap posts to look forward to between 4:30 – 5:30 PM EST.
Now that you’re here, just scan the list below and find a game you want to play. All that’s left to do after that is to join the match by contacting the host below using any means necessary. For Wii, you might have to be a little creative, but for 360/PS3 a simple “invite me” message will be fine.
The names on the left are our Destructoid handles, while the ones on the right are our online handles (PSN IDs, for example). Don’t see a game you want to play? Feel free to post a comment offering to take up hosting duties yourself.
Tonight’s Hosts:
- Platform: PC/Mac, Steam
Game: Whatever you can get people to play. Steamtoid is a fun hangout
People: Join the Steam group to find us!
Time: Anytime. All of the time.
- Platform: Xbox 360
Game: Halo: Reach, BF1943, L4D, Rapelay 2, ODST. Basically, TBA.
People: Tarvu (The Kinky Ninja), The Guy with the Hat (GT: Mighty Hatman), Ramalho (GT: RamalhoM), Death by Lumber (AngelEchoes), panchromatic (GT: panchromatic)
Time: 21.00 CEST | 20.00 GMT | 15.00 EST
- Platform: Playstation 3
Game: Killzone 3
People: Sexual Chocolate (PSN: FoolishBean69)
Time: 21.00 CEST | 20.00 GMT | 15.00 EST
Tonight’s Hosts (more info from SephirothX:
- Game: Left 4 Dead 2
Host: Blasto (GT: Blastopotamus)
Time: 8:00PM EST
- Game: Monday Night Combat
Host: Epic-KxDtoid and ScottyG (GT: firespin97 and scottygrayskull)
Time: 9:00PM EST
- Game: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam
Host: mrandydixon (GT: Mr Andy Dixon)
Time: 11:00PM EST
- Game: Borderlands
Host: Epic-KxDtoid (GT: firespin97)
Time: 11:30PM EST
- Game: Bulletstorm
Host: mrandydixon (GT: Mr Andy Dixon)
Time: 1:00AM EST
Tonight’s Hosts (more info from Trev):
- Game: Super Street Fighter IV
Host: Daxelman (PSN: Daxelman)
Time: 8:00PM EST
- Game: Mag
Host: Elsa (PSN: Elsa)
Time: 9:00PM EST
- Game: Demon’s Souls
Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho) – See my PSN comment for character levels and use this to see if we can join up
Time: Whenever EST
If you want to find people to play with, check out the Steam chat below:
Published: Mar 11, 2011 04:20 pm