LucasArts isn’t taking support for their cash cow title Star Wars: The Force Unleashed lightly. In a Gamespot report it was revealed that LucasArts would be bringing costumes, character models, and a new mission to the game this fall in two separate DLC packages.
The first set of DLC will consist of new character models being introduced to the game will be the ever venerable Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi as well as KI-Adi-Muni, Kit Fisto, and Lord of Evil Things. Costumes are unknown at this time, but Leia’s slave getup in Return of the Jedi was really hot.
The second bit of DLC will be an entire mission. If you haven’t already beaten the less than 10-hour game, cover your eyes for this part – spoilers are ahead. The level will feature the apprentice rummaging around the leveled Jedi Temple in Coruscant in search for clues to his origin and ultimately father. It’s amazing in a world with flying cars and intergalactic travel that paternity tests can’t be conducted.
The DLC will be coming to Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Store at some point this fall. The additional content won’t be coming to the Wii because there isn’t a viable storage method for whatever reason.
Published: Oct 1, 2008 02:07 pm