What is it with 2011 and awesome trailers? There was the Dead Island trailer, the We Dare trailer (awesome in a different way) and now Dishwasher: Vampire Smile. This trailer is just great and best of all, it shows off the robot zombie sharks I mentioned in the title. Best new enemy of 2011? Totally.
I got to play Ska Studios latest and this game is ridiculously violent. The two main characters — Yuki and Dishwasher — make use of an assortment of weapons across 13 levels and 50 challenge stages. There is co-op (local and over Live) for even more crazy combo killing fun times. You can expect 3D support too.
What I liked the most is the visuals. I love the art style and it just sets up the extremely dark feel Ska is going for. For a more in-depth look, check out Nick Chester’s preview. Otherwise, Vampire Smile is pretty much done and we should be seeing it fairly soon on Xbox Live Arcade.
Published: Feb 25, 2011 04:00 am