I’m waiting for an influx of amazing photos to really show you how awesome MAGFest was this year, but while I’m doing that let me tell you how Destructoid rolls. Our second place finish at the Iron Chef competition may have had you worried that we weren’t on our A game, but your doubt was unwarrented. Above you see first, second and third place for MAGFest’s Windjammers tournament. They’re all Destructoid community members.
In first place we have bloodylip; in second place we have Hitorogoshi; in third we have Hey Ricochet. It was a hard fought battle, but it was awesome too watch. For their efforts they each won some MAGFest cash, which is like real cash, but only usable at the awesome vendors at MAGFest.
If you’ve never played or seen Windjammers, it’s like a super advanced version of pong with frisbees and tons of early 90s attitude. Hard to play unless you have a cabinet, Neo Geo, Japanese Wii or you come to MAGFest. I suggest the latter.
Pics of the tournament below.
Published: Jan 16, 2011 06:00 pm