[Update: In an unexpected twist, we received the following response from Activision: “There seems to be a great deal of speculation about the next Call of Duty project. Let me be clear that we are not revealing yet. Anything indicating otherwise is a hoax.”]
A not-so-mysterious website has been making the rounds today. FindMakarov.com is the URL in question — look familiar, Modern Warfare 2 players? It’s got a countdown which should come to a close at 10:00 AM EST on Wednesday.
Naturally, everyone is under the impression that this is going to be the reveal for Modern Warfare 3. Seems incredibly likely, if you ask me. The real question is how detailed will they go with it? Another one of those vague teasers like prior games received, or something more substantial?
Oh, and if you can’t load the site, you aren’t missing too much.
Published: Feb 25, 2011 07:22 pm