A while ago, we reported on a little spat between THQ and Activision Blizzard, where the former wanted to sue the latter over some box art. The cover for Activision’s SCORE International Baja 1000 is strikingly similar to THQ’s Baja: Edge of Control. THQ smelled money and talk of a lawsuit followed.
Followed, yes, but didn’t follow through. It would appear that the conflict has now been resolved, as Activision changed the cover art to something that wouldn’t make THQ lose sleep. The game has been out for several weeks, so there will effectively be two different versions floating around.
Despite the lateness of the change, THQ is suitably pleased, and it seems that the suit has been dropped. All’s well that ends well, I suppose. You can look at the attached image to see the new cover.
Now we can all go back to not really caring about Baja games.
Published: Nov 20, 2008 10:47 am